Press Release
March 21, 2023: ICHRRF Affirms the Resolve to End Racial Discrimination
March 21, 2023, is recognized officially by the United Nations as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which falls on the anniversary of the Sharpeville Massacre, where tragically, 69 unarmed Black South African demonstrators (including children) calling to end institutional discrimination were killed by the apartheid regime in 1960, and many more were injured by police who opened fire.
Often, the first step of solving any problem includes clearly understanding what the actual problem is and how and why it is a problem. It can benefit individuals, families, communities, and governments to reflect on their individual, family, and larger social values, intentions, needs and desires. This reflection can assist us in raising awareness and insight as to whether any behaviours, belief systems, and policies exist that do not truly align with our values as individuals, families and communities. It can also help us identify detrimental policies, social norms, and values that must be urgently addressed. Racial discrimination is one of many problematic social norms that proliferate adverse economic, health and mental health outcomes, further marginalizing communities. To many, racism is defined as disliking or mistreating others based on race. However, racism is deeply embedded in societal norms and far more complex and widespread than this. In fact, racism is a hierarchal system of advantage based on race.
The United Nations General Assembly affirms that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and well-being of their communities. The General Assembly also emphasised that racial superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust, dangerous and must be rejected. In the United States, The White House released a Fact Sheet about its efforts to Combat Systemic Racism, and the ACLU recommends suggestions to attain systemic equality.
Individuals can take everyday measures to end racial discrimination by educating themselves, listening to those affected and telling their stories, raising awareness, challenging it, and getting involved in organizations that support the elimination of racial discrimination.
Kindly join ICHRRF in solidarity for ending racial discrimination worldwide, acknowledging the dignity of every human being and honoring the unity of humanity at large.