Press Release
December 10, 2020 - International Human Rights Day
On International Human Rights Day, December 10th 2020, ICHRRF honors all healthcare personnel, first responders, non-profit agencies, government agencies, volunteers, and social workers who have helped fight the COVID-19 pandemic across political, social, ideological, and economic boundaries. The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in modern civilization such as intergenerational social inequalities in access to healthcare, personal protective equipment, and pharmaceuticals, the technological and information divide. In the worst cases, some governments have used the pandemic as a cover to deprive or actively target sections of their vulnerable population. ICHRRF is dedicated to documenting and publicizing, both, exemplary cases of serving human rights and religious and philosophical freedom, as well as systemic abuses and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, socio-economic background, and religious or ideological affiliation.