Press Release

Feb 22, 2021 - Brett Chapman, Esq., joins ICHRRF as Director of Outreach for First Nations of America

Brett Chapman, Esq. is an attorney focused on Native American rights. He comes to the team ICHRRF from the great state of Oklahoma and will network and provide outreach to the First Nations of America. He has served as Assistant District Attorney in Oklahoma, and has published case law.

He is Ponca, Kiowa, and an enrolled member of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma. His Ponca ancestors were involved in a landmark civil rights case in 1879 in which the first Native American was granted civil rights in the United States.

Chapman's work in this regard continues to focus on correcting the historical narrative to facilitate true reconciliation and create a stable future for the United States in its encounter with diversity. He tweets at @brettachapman.